Whitby and District Rifle Club
New members are welcome to come along
Come and Try it Any Time 
If you are interested in playing short mat bowls contact Eddie White on Tel: 01947 810024 
Short Mat is the youngest and fastest growing variety of the four major disciplines of the ancient sport of bowling. It is a sport which began centuries ago and which was later banned by Henry VIII because his archers were playing too much bowls rather than practicing their bowman skills. 
It is believed that the Short Mat variety was created a little over fifty years ago in Wales and further developed in Ireland. It was quickly taken up in England and as its popularity grew, the administration devolved from regional organisations to County organisations. Short Mat Bowls within England is now administered by the English Short Mat Bowling Association (E.S.M.B.A), which was established in 1984. 
The Whitby & District Rifle Club Short Mat Bowling section was formed in the mid 1990's, and now boasts over fifty members. It is a sport which is tailor made for a Club like ours, whose members have nothing to play during the long winter months when they are deprived of their outdoor greens. Of course not all of our members have former links to bowls, in fact Short Mat was the introduction for most of our members and is the only variety that many choose to play all year round. From those who have yet to reach their tenth birthday to those whose eightieth is but a distant memory. Both fit and disabled, this is truly a sport for all. 
Bowls is a very social activity and many of our members are quite happy to attend a the club for just a quiet roll-up and a get together. However, for the more competitive member, the club organise our own competitions and we also participate in a local games with other clubs; This can be an ideal way to improve your skills and to meet other members who share your enthusiasm for the game.